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ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (EXTENDED Ends 5th Oct @ 20:00)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:33 am
by V4nKw15h
Welcome to 107th B contest: Galaxy

This one is quite unlike anything I've seen before. It's BIG, really BIG. At least I'm not going to see two solutions the same on this competition. :)

Posting scores is allowed.

PM solutions or email to if PM is full which might happen with two competitions at once.

Naming convention is:


GMT Time link:

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (Ends 3rdOct @ 13:00)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:15 pm
by JimCDubb
Wow. This level is miraculous.

Thanks, V4nKw15h, but your solution is gorgeous. It's almost like the hanging cloth was put there for that reason. Never thought of it.
But don't feel guilty. I'm happy just to finally be competiive with you Vets.
I'll have my day.
(Especially when nobody else is playing!)

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (Ends 3rdOct @ 13:00)

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:03 pm
by V4nKw15h
Definitely Jim.

Making that catch shows you have moved up to the next level. It doesn't get harder than something like that. You have all the skills now to compete with the best of 'em.

I'm going to have a go at this level myself now. I didn't even do a proof of concept when I made it. It's obviously possible, and considering I'm currently hosting both A and B league it's quite nice for me to have a level like this to play along with.

I hope nobody looks at it and thinks "Oh God, that will take me ages of tweaking and then someone is going to beat me anyway, so I won't bother".

I'm hoping everyone gives it a go and shows THEIR way of doing it, because it's going to be so interesting just to look through all the possible ways of getting it over there. Especially some of the dark solutions. This is a dream come true for fans of the dark side. I can already imagine a series of spinning flippers.

So if you can't be bothered doing this one light. Do it dark instead.

And start throwing down your scores because scores will give nothing away on a level like this.

Edit: Hahahaha, I'm laughing out loud while playing this level. That's a first. Its just crazy. It's nothing like as much work as it looks.

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (Ends 3rdOct @ 13:00)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:05 pm
by ioncorpse
9700+++ Dark, meanwhile...

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (Ends 3rdOct @ 13:00)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:19 pm
by JimCDubb
9650+ L

9750++ D

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (Ends 3rdOct @ 13:00)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:44 pm
by V4nKw15h
Nice work guys. I would love to see a bunch of crazy solutions to this one even if they aren't the best possible score.

Ioncorpse already sent me one that is so crazy to watch, and I love to watch my own light solution fly across the level.

I'm sure nearly every type of trick for launching the ball can be used on this level. That's why I packed so many nodes around where the ball starts to give every type of launcher a good chance of being used.

Also don't worry about the end time on this competition. If you don't start playing it until 48 hours before the end of the competition and you want more time just ask. Nobody seems to have much time at the moment and this level might stay fun to mess about with for a couple of weeks. While people are still playing it and coming up with crazy solutions it might be nice to leave it open and get a big fun list of solutions. I don't think there is a boring way to do this.

I just made myself think. I wonder if the launcher from The AR Olympics might be the best light solution to this. Come on Mikee7, build it again :)

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (EXTENDED Ends 5th Oct @ 20:00)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:23 pm
by V4nKw15h
Due to inactivity across both competitions this week, I have extended this one by 3 days in the hope that we can get more interest.

At this point I have only one entry and it's dark.

I know Jim has a light solution but competing alone is pointless.

I know everyone is busy, we can't help that. Here's hoping one or two more will come up with something for this one.

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (EXTENDED Ends 5th Oct @ 20:00)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:46 am
by Andrew
After a long hiatus (was one of the regulars years ago), I've returned to have another shot.
Nice level, and certainly one that would produce a lot of different results -- if in fact many people actually did it.
My entry comes in at 8528 -- started doing it a much cheaper way but then realised how long it'd take.
Anyway I'll PM you the solution just to make up the numbers

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (EXTENDED Ends 5th Oct @ 20:00)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:36 pm
by ioncorpse
Dark "2-paddles + catcher" solution should be better than mine & will win.
Light swings will win (IMHO).

I'm sorry V4nKw15h , I will not send any other solution for this level because i have no time & because this level needs a lot of simple tweaking. Find good idea is simple, tweaking it is hard.

P.S. I can't remember luka1222 or someone else post creative big level year ago, can't find it (There were mountains or something like this), maybe we can create something like it to participate. I have an idea, how to revive league C, i'll try to describe it later....

Re: ARFC_B_CVII_Galaxy - (EXTENDED Ends 5th Oct @ 20:00)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:18 pm
by V4nKw15h
I know what you mean ioncorpse. When I designed this level there were quite a few active players. Cresta, yourself, TShultz, JimCDubb, Mikee7.

I consider B league to be for either more difficult competitions or simply those that take longer to tweak and play around with. I thought it would be a nice level to keep the active players busy for a week. Unfortunately everyone seemed to disappear about the same time that I posted it. Hehe, maybe because I posted it.

Tweaking two dark paddles would be a very long job. I think your dark solution is probably safe because of that.
But I don't think the light solutions take too long. 20-30 minutes each I found but I'm fast and experienced with making light launchers. Alot of my competitions are about finding cheap light launchers so I'm a little biased. My light solution for this reuses techniques I learned from some of my old competitions. (I made a 9700+ light, and it took about 30 minutes)

Anyway, it's really difficult to find a balance while designing a level for so few players with so little time. Make it too simple and we have the problem ddavex just ran into with the A league (and even my last A league), yet if we make it more tweakable to get a range of results then nobody seems to have the time to play them right now.

I guess we just need to try and keep things alive until either people find more time/more interest or others start to replace them.