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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:32 am
by ?rjan Flatseth
Removal of "The force" is a good thing - but keep the ability to view old
soultions if possible.

If that is a realistic option - it should be an option in the poll (which it is not so I guess perhpas it is not that possible :P)

I think that the future solutions and playing is more important then good stuff from the past when one have to decide. People who are new to the game are surely confused when faced to f.ex force solutions in the official solution site. So I vote for fixing the bugs in this poll.

1 If you see the force like if it was ment to be a part of the game:
The force is very unstable and uneasy to control. You have to tweak the "pedal" in ways that is so uncontrolable that you can say its very much random. Conclusion: bad "playability"(bad english).

2 The force was very exiting when it was discovered and its potensial was not jet seen. But now its nothing magical with it any more to us veterans - and it is just confusing to newbies I guess...

-?rjan :?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:46 pm
by Dragon
Peter Stock IS fixing the physics but his current plans include two code paths, one with the fix and one without. The current levels and solutions will probably be archived. As I understand it PS also intends to include a grid for editing purposes, an electric motor (available in edit mode only) and POSSIBLY adjustable material strengths - again in edit mode I believe.

PS Is delaying the 1.1. release until he is as sure as he can be that the physics really are fixed.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:11 pm
by ?rjan Flatseth
An electric motor only available in the editormode? That is truly the best idea for new elements I have heard so far! :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:10 pm
by Vendetta
an electric motor would be a really nice addon! im all for fixing the current bugs too :)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:24 am
by dudiobugtron
how would an eletric motor work in AR?
would it just spin something around?