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Rubber Gun *Edit: New Gun Launches Completely Off Screen!*

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:14 pm
by benz145
Edit for new gun: I'm not sure what I did exactly, but it had huge results, zoomed all the way out, the Armadillo still goes completely off my screen (maybe not someone elses due to monitor size ; D) if someone could be so kind as to explicate whats happening it would be great : )

Hey guys I took a shot at making the best rubber gun I could, I used metal bars for measurement, measuring from the top of the ball before it moves, to the bottom of its highest point. Then you hang metal bars straight down from that ancor point that you put at the bottom of the ball at its climax height, down to the top of it while its at rest. The highest I got was 13 bars, check it out, I also made an objective point and a niffty little system to catch it.

Edit: btw this is the first level edit I've done, and first post I made, so its very likely there is a much better rubber gun, if someone could link it, I'd like to see : )

Also, some of the people on here are absolute geniuses and need to stop making levels, and finding cures for cancer, or answering the worlds engineering calls!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:50 pm
by dudiobugtron
it's hard once you start getting that high, it really does seem like it won't go much higher.

I found a similar thing using elastic in darkcatalyst's huge B competition.

Some nice investigating dude. I still kinda feel like more rubber = higher though, even though I can see it doesnt work like that.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:26 am
by Ryo_Sangnoir

If you give the rubber more room to expand, you get a higher shot.

See attachment for example.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 4:07 pm
by Bob
And in function:

Re: Rubber Gun *Edit: New Gun Launches Completely Off Screen

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:15 am
by dudiobugtron
benz145 wrote:Edit for new gun: I'm not sure what I did exactly, but it had huge results, zoomed all the way out, the Armadillo still goes completely off my screen (maybe not someone elses due to monitor size ; D) if someone could be so kind as to explicate whats happening it would be great : )

I laughed so hard when I watched it!!! well done!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:48 am
by Ryo_Sangnoir
And for those who can explain that...Armadillo Basketball (attached for YOUR convenience).

Not my level. Just rubber. No tension at all, and yet it's able to shoot. No idea how it works.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:31 pm
by Vendetta
Ryo_Sangnoir wrote:And for those who can explain that...Armadillo Basketball (attached for YOUR convenience).

Not my level. Just rubber. No tension at all, and yet it's able to shoot. No idea how it works.

lol yeah, a while ago i was messing around and found that same bug too, never knew how about this forum tho at the time :P its just a ...bug lol

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:29 am
by ?rjan Flatseth
Funny stuff!
This is actually "the force" interfering wiht weight form rubber. The force is a bug described in the forum.