AR2.1.2 B 045 New Classics Results

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AR2.1.2 B 045 New Classics Results

Postby Votart Silak » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:20 pm

Hey. guys!

Rob has not sent the last solution (1672+) :( :?: :?: :?:

So, winner is markmadras with 1662 :lms: :D

My congratulations!

Thanls to All!
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Re: AR2.1.2 B 045 New Classics Results

Postby rob » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:40 pm

Oooops :oops:
here it is.

Been so busy I completely forgot. Mark, if you host next B I'll do A.
AR2_B_045_New Classics.1684-Rob-Final.lvl2
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Re: AR2.1.2 B 045 New Classics Results

Postby Votart Silak » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:50 pm

Well done, rob!

Your solution completely differs from solutions of other players therefore a victory is awarded to you also.
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Re: AR2.1.2 B 045 New Classics Results

Postby markmadras » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:52 pm

I wasn't expecting to win that, will do new contest later tonight, I don't have anything ready :( still working :(
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Re: AR2.1.2 B 045 New Classics Results

Postby markmadras » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:50 pm

Now I am on the case, just had a look at the results file and ready to make new contest.

Excellent solution Rob, that deserved to win.

Dave, yet again you have made some very inventive solutions, the over budget one is superb. With your powers of imagination and a few more games under your belt I can see you will be winning many contests :D

I like the tweaks you made to my solution Votart, I had thought of changing a few parts but just didn't have the time :( .
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