AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

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AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby Arunion » Sun May 03, 2015 8:38 am

I myself didn't manage to solve this level, but I have to say that the solutions are beautiful. ^^

The winner of this competition is bythelee with 2460
In second place is Dec10 with 148
And in last place since it was technically 16minutes late: mark_man with 2384 ^^

Thank you all for joining :D
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Re: AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby bythelee » Sun May 03, 2015 12:04 pm

This was one of the toughest challenges I have ever done.
Impossible start posiitons, impossible portal positions, no bars, and expensive rope? Getting any solution at all was a massive success, in my book.

16 minutes late? That's really, really harsh. Technically correct, yes, but if it had disqualified the winning entry, I'd feel impossibly awkward and bad about that.
Besides, we need every entry we can get..... Maybe just knock a point off the score for every late minute? :lol:

Grats to Mark_man for successfully building the "through the bottom" plates. I tried, and could not get close. Perhaps that helped me in the end, since rope was far and away the most painfully expensive component there. Feeding everything through the hole, allowed me to minimise that expense.

I apologise for grabbing the win so late in the day. :oops:
I've had a lot of RL stuff to deal with lately, and didn't properly get into this challenge until the last day.
Next challenge should be up soon. :D
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Re: AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby Arunion » Sun May 03, 2015 3:07 pm

If it had been the winning solution I wouldn't have put him last, I'd have put him in front. :P

And we all do know that he had that solution some time ahead of the finish. And I didn't disqualify him technically... :lol:

Since I finished the competition late all in all he does have the second place. :) It was more of a joke than throwing his solution away. So hope it didn't go over badly. :)

And since I didn't manage the level at all I figure it's all winners :lol: But yes, a bit harsh maybe. :P
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Re: AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby mark_man » Sun May 03, 2015 9:59 pm

Didn't even realise i had sent it in late are you on gmt+1 :oops: .
Congrats you two on the win :D
I'm Just A Simple Man.
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Re: AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby Arunion » Mon May 04, 2015 3:26 pm

I might be I've no idea to be honest... I hate all the various times of the world frankly. haha. The inbox at least said that it was late but I might just be mistaken. I might have seen my "local" time instead of the actual time I'm supposed to go by... So... Lets just say that it was in on time xD
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Re: AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby bythelee » Mon May 04, 2015 6:53 pm

Crikey, good point.
The UK switched to "Summer time" (as I call it) weeks ago, and I didn't even register that we're now an hour ahead of GMT.
Thanks for the heads up, before I closed the present challenge an hour early.... :oops:
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Re: AR2 A 343 007 Beneath (Results)

Postby mark_man » Mon May 04, 2015 11:10 pm

I have not altered my main clock in the living room as we all tend to look at the phone now, it's possible I looked at that clock :D
I'm Just A Simple Man.
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