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AR2 A 192 VW Results

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:36 pm
by Andrew
Well, with only two players, I hope this isn't a sign of things to come!

2nd place: KuzyaHG with 1556
Winner: "herbie" with 1623.

So well done "herbie", despite saying you didn't like your solution and using a pseudonym, you won.
So maybe you should out yourself and put up the next level!

Re: AR2 A 192 VW Results

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:16 pm
by bythelee
Oh c**p, how did that happen?
I was really expecting an amazing launcher to totally eclipse herbie's efforts.
I should have realised that herbie never loses!

The level I have ready to go, is not good at all.
I have a few other ideas I'd like to work on first, and will post something tomorrow.
